The University
Research and Publication Council
Guidelines and Policies
V. Functions and Responsibilities
The URPC shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. General Functions
- Determine the University research and publication agenda
- Review and/or amend the university policies, guidelines, and procedures related to research and publication, in particular those that involve (a) determining work load of AdZU personnel engaging in research and publication projects, (b) determining university support and incentives for engaging in, completing, publishing, patenting, and/or commercializing URPC approved research and publication projects, and (c) determining which research and publication projects are University priorities. URPC approved policies, guidelines, and procedures are to be implemented by the URO.
- Resolve matters concerning conflicting interpretations of policies, guidelines, procedures, and/or existing practices related to AdZU research and development programs, projects, and activities.
- As the university clearing house for all research-related projects and activities, the URPC shall give the final approval for research proposals submitted by AdZU faculty and staff for funding either through the URO Research Chair Package or through funding from non-AdZU organizations and/or individuals.
- Approve engagement of AdZU faculty and staff in research and publication projects funded and/or sponsored by non-AdZU organizations and/or individuals.
- Approve research and publication projects being commissioned to AdZU faculty and staff by government agencies, non-government organizations, corporate organizations, and/or non-AdZU affiliated individuals.
- Approve the annual proposed budgets of the URO, Asia Mindanaw, and the AdZU-REC. Special attention will be given to budget items concerning URO operations and incentives for research and publication. The review and approval of the said annual budgets shall be done during the 1st week of December of each year (which is the 3rd quarter Regular Meeting of the URPC).
- Determine matters concerning the quality of completed research and/or published work submitted for purpose of obtaining merit, rank and promotion and/or cash incentive.
- Evaluate the progress of all on-going research and publication projects being conducted by AdZU faculty and staff, whether funded by the university or by non-AdZU organizations and/or individuals.
- Ensure proper coordination of research work with other responsibilities among the faculty and staff: teaching, non-academic work, and social development work. This may include, but not limited to, determining the appropriate research loads to be awarded to faculty or academic staff proposing to engage in research and/or a project involving research.
- Supervise and monitor the University Research Office’s implementation of its programs, projects, and activities as well as the implementation of URPC approved policies related to research and publication. Hence, the URPC shall be requiring the URO to regularly submit relevant documents (i.e. accomplishment reports, financial reports, etc.) necessary in tracking and evaluating AdZU’s progress in terms of research and publication.
- Ensure that all financial reports and documents (i.e. budget proposals, liquidation reports, purchase reports, etc.) of all approved and on-going research and publication programs, projects, and/or activities involving AdZU faculty and staff are correct and in line with university finance and accounting standards and policies.
- Exercise oversight functions over the Asia Mindanaw Editorial Board and the AdZU Research Ethics Committee.
- Plan, set-up, and direct structures and processes that promote, encourage, and enable research and publication in AdZU (i.e. mentoring schemes, supervision, capacity-building, incentive systems, etc.).
b. Responsibilities of URPC members
- Chairperson. It shall be the responsibilities of the URPC Chairperson to (a) preside over URPC meetings, (b) ensure the accuracy and correctness of URPC generated and/or approved documents (i.e. minutes of meetings, URPC resolutions, etc.), (c) act as signatory in all URPC correspondence, and (d) represent the URPC, whenever necessary, in university and public functions.
- Members. The URPC members are expected to attend and actively participate in all URPC meetings.
- Secretariat. The secretariat shall (a) ensure that all URPC meetings are properly documented, (b) keep URPC documents safe, organized, and confidential, (c) assist the URPC members in terms of logistical needs, and (d) perform other office-related duties that may be directed by the URPC Chairperson.
URPC Corner
For more inquiries, or visit us in the URO office!
- University Research Office - ADZU
- 991-0871 local 1200