Understanding the Behaviour of Older Adults’ Social Media Platform-Swinging in the Philippines
Maureen Olive Gallardo, Merlin Teodosia Suarez and Ryan Ebardo

As older adults embrace social media, their engagement extends across diverse platforms, each offering unique features and benefits. This study investigates platform-swinging among older adults, where they strategically switch between platforms to fulfill specific needs and desires. We interviewed 11 older adults living in the Philippines in November of 2023 who used at least two social media platforms. The platform combination favored by older adults varies based on their context. However, a common combination observed in this study included Facebook, Messenger, and YouTube. Guided by the Uses and Gratification Theory, we applied thematic analysis and revealed four major themes that motivate older adults to practice platform-swinging: managing digital ties, transferring information, uplifting and managing emotions, and optimizing work processes. The respondents’ ability to practice platform-swinging is facilitated by adequate internet connectivity and devices, and familiarity with the different platforms.

June 1, 2024

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Volume 14725


Gallardo, M.O., Suarez, M.T., Ebardo, R. (2024). Understanding the Behavior of Older Adults’ Social Media Platform-Swinging in the Philippines. In: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14725. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61543-6_24

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