The Ateneo de Zamboanga University has a wealth of diverse journals and publications created by faculty, and staff to address contemporary issues and provide a solution roadmap. The University Research Office (URO) offers a preview of the publication works.

Please search for publications released by the AdZU community.

Name of Faculty
Title of the PaperNature of the workName of Journal or Publication and PublisherYear completed/published
Rovic John F. EslaoRecuerdos de Revolucion na Zamboanga: How the Philippine Revolution in Zamboanga is CommemoratedJournal Article TALA: An Online Journal of History 2024
Dr. Conrigo Boya Santos and Dr. Mary Germeyn PunzalanFactors Associated with the Nonacceptance of Mass Drug Administration for
Schistosomiasis among Adults 18 Years Old and above in Selected Endemic Barangays in
Mindanao, Philippines
Journal Article Asian Journal of Public Health Practice 2024
Dr. Anna Paula Usman and Dr. Mary Germeyn PunzalanUse and Body Dysmorphia among Adolescents in Western Mindanao,
Philippines: A Cross-sectional and Case Series Study
Journal Article Asian Journal of Public Health Practice 2024
Leah P. MataPhysical Education Curriculum Implementation Using Hyflex Learning Modality in the New NormalJournal Article Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education 2024
Felice Noelle RodriguezThe Philippines in Nusantara: Connections and Exchanges Article in a BookSiti Manna Mohd Maidin, Oceans that speak Islam and the Emergence of the Malay World 2024
Felice Noelle RodriguezAyala in Zamboanga: Just Another 19th Century Township in Spanish Colonial Philippines?Journal ArticleThe Sulu Zone, A Maritime Cultural Complex published here in Kuala Lumpur at Sunway University2024
Robin A. De Los ReyesTranslaguaging in Multilingual Elementary Classroom in the PhilippinesJournal ArticleWorld Englishes
International Journal under Wiley-Blackwell, a Scopus-indexed Journal
Dr. Jaime Kristoffer Punzalan, Dr. Monserrat Guingona, Dr. Jhufel Ferraren, Dr. Mary Germeyn Punzalan, Dr. Floro Dave Arnuco, Dr. Rosemarie Arciaga, and Dr. Fortunato CristobalTelehealth Program for Symptomatic COVID-19 Patients in Mindanao, Philippines: A Whole-of-System, Pragmatic Interventional Study on Patient Monitoring from Isolation Facilities to Community ReintegrationJournal ArticleInternational Journal for Equity in Health – a Scopus-Indexed Journal, ranked Q2

Published by Springer Nature
Maureen Olive GallardoThe Role of Initial Trust in the Behavioral Intention to Use Telemedicine Among Filipino Older AdultsJournal ArticleGerontology and Geriatric Medicine Journal2024
Robin A. Delos Reyes and Maria Luz Elena Nabong CanilaoTranslanguaging for Empowerment and Equity: Language Practices in Philippine Education and Other Public SpacesEditor of the bookSpringer Singapore2024
Maureen Gallardo, Ryan Ebardo, and Teodosia SuarezUnderstanding the Behavior of Older Adult's Social Media Platform - Swinging in the PhilippinesJournal Article Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2024
Maureen Gallardo and Ryan EbardoOnline Health Information Seeking in Social MediaJournal ArticleInternational Conference on Soft Computing and its Engineering Applications2023
Raffy S. TaghapBarriers to Science Learning and Science Academic Performance: A Case of Online Learners Residing Far from SchoolJournal ArticleWorld Journal of Advanced Research and Review
International and peer-reviewed journal
Dave C. Ramos and Raffy S. TaghapA Case Study of Secondary Science Teachers in Utilizing Online Tools inJournal ArticleInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, Vol. 4, No. 112023
Ma. Cristina Celdran-Oraa, PhD, RN, Grace Ann Lagura, PhD, RNUtilization of the dimensions of learning organization for enhanced hospital performanceJournal ArticleFrontiers in Communication, a Q1 Scopus-Indexed Journal, Vol. 8, No. 32023
Ma. Christina Celdran-Oraa, PhD, RNMindful Self-Care and Mental Well-Being of University Health Educators and Professionals in Hail Region, Saudi ArabiaJournal ArticleJournal of Education and Health Promotion, Vol. 12, No. 5
Q2 Scopus-Indexed Journal
Fr. Joseph Y Haw, SJThe mental health and well-being of students and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Combining Classical Statistics and Machine Learning approaches in Educational PsychologyJournal ArticleEducation Psychology
(An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology)

Lucibel Enriquez, PhD, RN, Ma. Cristina Celdran-Oraa, PhD, RN, Grace Ann Lagura, PhD, RN, Reynita Saguban, PhD, RN, and Fatima Ibno, EdD, RNA Survey on the Emerging Primary Chronic Disease and its Determinants in Hail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Journal ArticleBahrain Medical Bulletin Journal, Vol. 45, No. 3
Scopus Indexed Journal
Ma. Cristina Celdran, PhD, Lucibel Enriquez, PhD, Fatima Ibno, EdD, Grace Ann Lagura, PhD, Reynita Saguban, PhDDemystifying the Factors Affecting Approaches of Primary Healthcare Nurses in Preventing in the Emerging Chronic Disease in Hail Region, Saudi ArabiaJournal ArticleBahrain Medical Journal, Vol. 45, No. 2 – An ISI-Indexed Journal2023
Dr. Bernadette Macrohon, MD,
Dr. Cielito Almonte, MD and
Dr. Mirasol Ellong, MD
A Case Report of the First Filipino Infant Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis through the Philippine Newborn Screening ProgramJournal ArticleActa Medica Philippina
Scopus indexed Journal
Fr. Antonio De Castro, SJLa Virgen del Pilar: “Defamiliarizing Mary” in the Aftermath of the Zamboanga SiegeChapter in the BookTheology, Conflict and Peacebuilding, published by the Adamson University Press2023
Fr. Joseph Y Haw, SJPerceived Need-supportive leadership, perceived need-supportive teaching, and student engagement: A self-determination perspective also in Social Psychology of EducationJournal ArticleSocial Psychology of Education2023
Fr. Joseph Y Haw, SJ“Understanding Filipino Students’ Achievement in PISA: The Roles of Personal Characteristics, Proximal Processes, and Social Contexts”Journal ArticleSocial Psychology of Education2023
Bernadette Macrohon, M.D.“Taking Action on Climate Change: Testimonials and Position Statement from the International League Against Epilepsy Climate Change Commission”Journal ArticleSeizure: European Journal of Epilepsy2023
Dr. Jaime Kristoffer Punzalan, M.D., / Dr. Monserrat Guingona, M.D., / Dr. Mary Germeyn Punzalan, M.D., / Dr. Fortunato Cristobal, M.D.“The integration of Primary Care and Public Health in Medical Students’ Training Based on Social Accountability and Community-Engaged Medical Education”Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Public Health — Scopus Indexed Journal2023
Dr. Grace Ann Lim-Lagura“The Impact of Mental Well-Being, Stress, and Coping Strategies on Resilience among Staff Nurses during COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia: A Structural Equational Model”Journal ArticleHealthcare2023
Earl Francis C. Pasilan“Pansak Yakan: Dancing in Time with the Past”Chapter in a bookAteneo de Manila University Press2022
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“Making of a Multicultural City: Zamboanga at the End of Spanish Colonialism.”Chapter in a bookAteneo de Manila University Press2022
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“Mapping the Growth of Zamboanga.”Journal ArticleThe Murillo Bulletin, Journal of PHIMCOS2022
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“Zamboanga: Its Interconnectedness and Multi-Histories.”ArticleCentral Book Supply, Inc.2022
Felice Noelle RodriguezFilippine.” In Non si farà mai più tal viaggio, Pigafetta e la prima nabigazione attorno al mondo”CatalogueVicenza: Edizioni Gallerie d’Italia/Skira, Intesa Sanpaolo2022
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“The 16th Century Visayan Warrior and his Weapons.”Chapter in a bookThe NHCP, Philippine Historical Association and The De La Salle University Southeast Asia Research Center and Hub2022
Fr. Joseph Y Haw, SJ“Need-supportive teaching is associated with reading achievement via intrinsic motivation across eight cultures”Journal ArticleLearning and Individual Differences2022
Fr. Joseph Y Haw, SJ“What explains Macau students' achievement? An integrative perspective using a machine learning approach”Journal ArticleJournal of the Study of Education and Development2022
Dr. Grace Ann Lim-Lagura“Infection Prevention and Control Practices among Staff Nurses in Hail, KSA: Basis for Improved Patient Safety”Journal ArticleJournal of Health and Medical Sciences2022
Ma. Christina A. Canoñes“The Ghost of Bro. Lou and the Lost Bells: Memorializing A Forgotten Martyr of an Unmarked Global War”Chapter in a bookAteneo de Manila University Press2022
Fe Grace Cañedo / Dr. Dorothy Joann Lei Rabajante“Online Instructor-Led Pilot Course on Monitoring and Evaluation of Substance Use Prevention Interventions and Policies: Experiences and Perceptions of International Participants”Journal ArticleAdiktologie2022
Dr. Monserrat M. Guingona, and Dr. Fortunato Cristobal,“Chapter 4: Where do graduates go? Developing a graduate tracking system: the 53 experience of THEnet”Chapter in a bookWorld Health Organization; Global Health Workforce Network2022
Mirasol S. Ellong, MD, DPPS“Newborn Screening Long-Term Follow-Up Clinics (Continuity Clinics) in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Continuing Quality Patient Care”Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Neonatal Screening2022
Kreanne F. Diaz“British Call Option on Stocks Under Stochastic Interest Rate”Journal ArticleEuropean Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Scopus-Indexed Journal)2022
Floraime O. Pantaleta“Hulagway: Bahay ng Salita, Balai ng Gunita”AnthologyNational Committee for Literary Arts (NCLA) of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)2022
Floraime O. Pantaleta“Embracing the “New Normal”: Exploring readiness among Filipino Students to engage in virtual classes.”Journal ArticleLearning: Research and Practice, Routledge2022
Fr. Antonio F. B. De Castro, SJ“Christianity in Mindanao: A Brief Historical Survey”Chapter in a bookAteneo de Manila University Press2022
Fr. Antonio F. B. De Castro, SJA Book Review of Children of the Post-colony; Filipino Intellectuals and Decolonization 1946-1972Book ReviewPhilippine Studies Journal2022
Robin A. De Los Reyes“Translanguaging in the Teaching and Learning of Science in Selected Multilingual Elementary Classrooms in the Philippines”Journal ArticleRoutledge (Scopus-Indexed Journal)2022
Robin A. De Los Reyes“Multilingual Mindanao: The Future of Learning in Pluriverse Mindanao Schools”Chapter in a bookAteneo de Manila University Press2022
John Mayo EnriquezPolicy Report and Midterm Assessment Report: AS2G-CARE Project For The Abu Sayyaf Group Returnees in Basilan Province2022
Ailyn Sabdilon-Absara / Jayson Sabdilon / Charissa Mae Ibañez / Judith Joy Tugade30 Case Studies: Abu Sayyaf Group Recipient of the AS2G CARE Project in Basilan Province, 20222022
Raissa P. Austero, Marjorie Emmanuel, and Dorothy Joann Lei RabajanteExtent of Implementation of Service-Learning in Five Jesuit Universities in the PhilippinesJournal ArticleDialnet2021
Earl Francis C. PasilanRenewing Philippine FestivalsHandbookNational Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)2021
Edwin F. Pamaran“Fort Isabella II: The Making of Basilan Colonial History, 1845-1898”Journal ArticleTALA: An Online Journal of History2021
Mario Rodriguez / Emir V. EpinoDisaster Preparedness Manual for Localized Weather Disturbances, 2021 Disaster Preparedness for Localized Weather Disturbances Training Module, 2021ArticleAteneo de Zamboanga University and the Local Government Academy – DILG2021
Monserrat M Guingona, MD MPH / Fortunato L Cristobal, MD MPH“A Curriculum for Achieving Universal Health Care: A Case Study of Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine. In Frontiers in Public Health”Journal ArticleFrontiers in Public Health2021
Marjorie Emmanuel“Interspeaker Variation in the Negative Perfective Aspect of Zamboanga Chavacano”Journal ArticleLinguistics and Culture Review2021
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“Felix Laureano and his Remembrances of Panay in the 19th century”Journal ArticleThe Murillo Bulletin, Journal of PHIMCOS, The Philippine Map Collectors Society2021
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“Magellan, Inquisition and Globalisation”Journal ArticleInter Press Service. Rome, International Development Economics Associates, Observatorio Económico Latino Americano, MROnline, The Sun Daily. Malaysia2021
Fr. Joseph Haw, SJ“Teachers who believe that emotions are changeable are more positive and engaged: The role of emotion mindset among in- and preservice teachers”Journal ArticleLearning and Individual Differences2021
Fr. Joseph Haw, SJ“Need-supportive teaching is associated with greater reading achievement: What the Philippines can learn from PISA 2018”Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Educational Research2021
Fr. Joseph Haw, SJ“Formative assessment, growth mindset, and achievement: examining their relations in the East and the West”Journal ArticleAssessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice2021
Dr. Monserrat M. Guingona, and Dr. Fortunato Cristobal,“A Curriculum for Achieving Universal Health Care: A Case Study of Ateneo de Zamboanga University School of Medicine”Journal ArticleFrontiers in Public Health2021
Floraime O. Pantaleta“El Año del Perdida del Juicio (The year of losing grip)”PoetryThe Loch Raven Review, 49 Philippine Language Poets in Translation Issue2021
Floraime O. Pantaleta10 Poems, Ubod 2020 AnthologyPoetryNational Committee for Literary Arts (NCLA) of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)2021
Floraime O. Pantaleta“Touch me please—when this enhanced community quarantine is over: sexual intimacies among pre-marital partners during pandemic-induced lockdown.”Journal ArticleSexual and Relationship Therapy, Routledge2021
Floraime O. Pantaleta“Lawas og Yuta sa Anino ng Kasaysayan: Alma-Ata (2019) ni Arnel Mardoquio.”Journal ArticleKatipunan: Journal ng mga Pag-aaral sa Wika, Panitikan, Sining at Kulturang Filipino2021
Gerald James Ebal / John Mayo Enriquez / Abdul Warith AbdulaViolent Extremism: Listening to Muslim Religious Leaders in Mindanao2021
Floraime Pantaleta“El Conocida del Otro (Recognizing the strange): Dismantling self and other in The Last of the Sama-Sellang”Chapter in a BookANOMALY International Journal for Literature and the Arts2020
Joseph A. Climaco“Towards a Holistic Morality of the Christian Home”Journal ArticleBudyong2020
Norma Baluca“Religiosity’s Influence on Self-Regulation and Subjective Well-being of Filipino Muslim and Catholic College Students"ArticlePhilippine Journal of Counselling Psychology2020
Dyana Marciana M Saplan“An Innovation to Heighten Research Culture in Selected Colleges of Nursing in Region IX, Philippines”Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change2020
Bernadette Macrohon, M.D“Clinical Experience on the Use of Perampanel in Epilepsy among Child Neurologists in the Philippines”Journal ArticleBrain and Development2020
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“The Jinrikisha Puller is There” (The Jinrikisha of Zamboanga)ArticleO For Other. Malaysian Design Archive2020
Floraime Pantaleta“Heteroglossia refractions of Carlos Piocos III’s Guerra Cantos”Art WritingTractions: Experiments in Art Writing2020
Monserrat M Guingona, MD MPH / Fortunato L Cristobal, MD MPH“Training a Fit-For-Purpose Rural Health Workforce for Low-and Middle-Income-Countries (LMICs): How Do Drivers and Enablers of Rural Practice Intention Differ Between Learners from LMICs and High-Income Countries?”Journal ArticleFrontiers in Public Health2020
Bernadette Macrohon,M.D“Neurologic Outcome of Filipino Children Diagnosed with Central Nervous System Infection”Journal ArticleNeurology Asia2019
Monserrat M Guingona, MD MPH / Fortunato L Cristobal, MD MPH“Choosing the most appropriate existing type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool for use in the Philippines: a case-control study with an urban Filipino population in BMC Public Health”Journal ArticleFrontiers in Public Health2019
Gerald James Ebal / John Mayo Enriquez / Judith Joy TugadeFaces Behind The Numbers: Stories of Struggles and Successes Among Zamboanga’s Out-of-School Youth, 20192019
John Mayo Enriquez / Gerald James Ebal / Francisco ParillaUNiFY: Advocating Peace Through Education And Community Engagement2019
Felice Noelle Rodriguez“Juan de Salcedo Joins the Native Form of Warfare”Journal ArticleArmies and Societies in Southeast Asia 2019
Mario S. Rodriguez“Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Monthly Water Consumption and Land Surface Temperature (LST) Derived Using LANDSAT 8 and Modis Data”Journal ArticleInternational Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences2019
Fr. Antonio F. B. De Castro, SJLa Virgen del Pilar, Ten Years After: ‘Defamiliarizing Mary’ in the Aftermath of the Zamboanga SiegeChapter in a bookAdamson University Press2019
Earl Francis C. Pasilan“Pansak si Bangku”Dance literaturePhilippine Folk Dance Society2019
Grace Ann L. Lagura“Dimensions of Learning Organization and the Predictors to Organizational Performance among Universities in Zamboanga City”Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change2019
Ma. Christina C. Oraa“Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction in the Colleges of Nursing among the Universities in Zamboanga City”Journal ArticleInternational Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change2019
Floraime Pantaleta“El Conocida del Otro (Recognizing the strange): Dismantling self and other in The Last of the Sama-Sellang”Chapter in a BookNational Committee for Literary Arts (NCLA) of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)2019
Edwin F. Pamaran“Kalun: A Basilan Odyssey”BookPantas Publishing & Printing, Inc.2018
Ailyn S. Absara“Transitions of Motherhood Among First Time Late Mothers: A Qualitative Investigation”JournalAsian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies2018
Michael D. Moga, PhD“Understanding Morality”BookSt. Paul’s Philippines2018
Jocelyn D. Partosa, Ph.D.“Evolution Education in the Philippines: A Preliminary Investigation”Chapter in a BookSpringer Nature2018
Rovic John Eslao“Historia de Zamboanga: Lecciones y Actividades, 2nd Edition”BookLocal Government of Zamboanga2018
Christian Olasiman“Building Shelter, Understanding Culture, and Anticipating Needs of the Displaced”Article in a BookLocal Government of Zamboanga2018
Bernadette Macrohon, M.D“The Design and Development of a National Registry of Pediatric Neurological Diseases in the Philippines - A Preliminary Report”Journal ArticlePhilippine Journal of Neurology2018
Hezekiah ConcepcionRising Sun in Olden ZamboangaArticle in a BookRex Printing Company, Inc.2018
Perla S. LedesmaA Module in Teaching and Learning History: A Glimpse of Zamboanga History & Beyond: A Local History for College StudentsBookRex Printing Company, Inc.2018
Robin A. De Los Reyes“Translanguaging in Multilingual Third Grade ESL Classrooms in Mindanao, Philippines”Journal ArticleRoutledge (Scopus-Indexed Journal)2018
Robin A. De Los Reyes“El Principe Niño”(A Chabacano Translation of The Little Prince)TranslationTintenfass, Germany2018
Teresita Montaño / Aurora Gonzales“Human Insecurity and Conflict: Effect of Coastal Communities’ Vulnerability to Climate Change”ArticleEnvironmental Science and Development2018
Mario Rodriguez / Emir V. EpinoLumawig: The Official Program book of Geo-SAFER MindanaoArticleCaraga Center for Geoinformatics Office2018
Earl Francis C. Pasilan“Tumahik” “Pangalay/ Igal/ Pamansak” “Yakan”ArticlesCultural Center of the Philippines2018
May Lilian T. MaravillesChabacano Translations: “Kubot” and “Nuno sa Punso”TranslationThe Spirits of the Philippines Archipelago: An ebook of Philippine Lower Mythology2018
Ailyn S. Absara“Transitions of Motherhood Among First Time Late Mothers: A Qualitative Investigation”Journal ArticleAsian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies2018
Dr. Fortunato L. Cristobal, M.D.“Socially Accountable Medical Education Strengthens Community Health Services”Journal ArticleRural and Remote Health2018
Dr. Fortunato L. Cristobal, M.D.“Positive Implications from Socially Accountable, Community-Engaged Medical Education Across Two Philippines Regions”Journal ArticleRural and Remote Health2018
Ma. Christina A. Canoñes“The Chinos were Everywhere: Mapping and Locating the Chinese in Zamboanga, 1850 – 1898”Journal ArticleAsia Mindanaw: Dialogue on Peace and Development2018
Sandra A. Jamiro“Encounters with Zamboanga’s Masters of Visual Arts”Journal ArticleAsia Mindanaw: Dialogue on Peace and Development2018
Jose Francis M. LlenadoBook Review of Understanding the Filipino worker and organizationBook ReviewAsia Mindanaw: Dialogue on Peace and Development2018
Melophyl C. Baguio“Philippine and US Broadsheets on Macrostructural Linearity and Microstructural Hypercorrection and Demise of Whom ”Journal ArticleCiencia (HEALS)2018
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